13 December 2011

Biding my Time...

Hello! Just dropping in to say, "I am still here!" to any who may have wondered. If that was anyone on this little blog, ha!

 We have been so busy lately, trying to take advantage of the last of the reasonably nice weather...

Getting ready for Christmas, and doing those nice, warm, fuzzy Christmas things, like baking cookies and making a gingerbread house, (which they'd eaten nearly half the candy for before we finished!)



We played in the first snow, and so did all but one of the chickens, who stayed in the door of the coop watching her sisters like they were crazy to go out in this new and strange phenomena, and offering the occasional complaint, or possibly scolding.

The house is all decorated, filling our home with green as the colour drains from the out of doors. (My parents and brother made this sweet nativity set for us.)

And very, very busy I have been with our homemade holiday. Oh, goodness, I have so much yet to do, and so little time left to do it in. I will be back with some of those projects when I am able to carve out the time, but for now, happy holidays to everyone, and I hope you are farther ahead on your projects than I am on mine!

1 comment:

  1. You put me in the Christmas mood with all of your Christmas activities and decorations, but my favorite picture is the one of your daughter stirring her mud soup. love, Beth


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